Transfer debts between Groups for a Friend
Raman Gupta
+1. This is useful for couples. Say my wife and I are going on a trip with some other people. Instead of everyone else settling with us as individuals, it would be nice if they could just settle with us as a couple. The split between my wife and I would then transfer to our couple group.
Currently our workaround for this is for one of us to settle the individual debts by clicking the settle button on each debt, but always changing the payer/recipient to one of us, even if the Settle up shows the other one of us. This leaves everyone else whole with respect to us as a couple, and a single "Settle" between us. We then settle this up in the trip group, and create an offsetting payment in the couple group.
One possibility for this feature would be to essentially automate that process, or possibly just the last step.